Do I Need To Remove Black Mold?

Black Mold Removal-remove black mold - toxic moldDo I need to remove black mold from my house?

Is black mold really as dangerous as the media makes out?

These are good questions because not only has black mold received a lot of media attention, but as a result, there is also a lot of conflicting information about black mold removal and the health risks.

How Can You Tell If You Have Black Mold?

If your home has a musty or earthy smell there is a good chance you have a mold problem.

Mold cleanup is important if you find mold, even if it isn’t black. But before you can remove black mold you first have to find it.

Black mold can be obvious or it can be hidden. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean you don’t have a black mold problem.

That is why you need to locate the source of its telltale odor.

Black mold needs moisture to grow. The most obvious places for mold growth are places like under sinks or behind washers or hot water heaters.

Anywhere plumbing fixtures or pipes can leak, where the roof can leak or water can collect and condense is a potential trouble spot.

How Dangerous Is Black Mold?

Black mold is extremely toxic. It is toxic enough that the US Army used it to make biological weapons.

The only reason for these weapons is to kill people. Granted, the concentration in your home is lower, but your exposure time is longer.

It stands to reason this is not something you want to be breathing in all day long and you want to remove black mold from your home as quickly as possible.

Black Mold Testing Is Not Needed Before You Can Remove Black Mold

Often people want to know about black mold testing once they have found mold.

They think it is important to know what type of mold they have. This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions there is.

Testing for black mold is not necessary. If you have found mold growing in your home mold cleanup is your next step, not mold testing.

Remove Black Mold Or Any Other Type You Find From Your Home

You need to remove black mold or any other types of mold you find.

Because of black mold notoriety, many people assume they need to test for black mold, and it if turns out to be some other type of mold they are OK. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is well established that any indoor mold growth is unhealthy and although black mold is the most toxic it is by no means the only type of mold that poses a health risk.

Many common household molds can produce mycotoxins that are harmful to humans and pets.

Many are also far more common than black mold.

Can You Remove Black Mold Yourself?

There are a few things to consider before you try removing black mold yourself.

First and foremost is protecting your health and that of family members.

If you are in good health and don’t have mold allergies you may be able to remove black mold yourself, providing the area is 10 square feet or less.

Smooth hard surfaces can be disinfected but porous materials like drywall can not be cleaned and must be removed and replaced.

Black mold is extremely toxic and the black mold removal process will stir up a lot of spores and mold particles in a small highly concentrated area.

There is a risk of mold poisoning and spreading the mold infection.

For this reason, it is not recommended that you try to remove black mold yourself from larger areas.

Larger areas are best left to a professional mold remediation company.

Containment of the mold and proper mold removal is beyond the scope of most homeowners.

Should You Remove Black Mold From Your Home?

If you enjoy headaches, coughing, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, your lungs bleeding internally, and a bunch of other ill effects by all means ignore your black mold problem and don’t remove black mold from your home.

But any sane person will want to remove black mold from their house as quickly as possible.

Removing Black Mold The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that black mold is extremely dangerous and should be removed from your home as soon as possible.

Testing for black mold is not necessary and trying to remove it yourself can actually do more harm than good.

If you have any doubts, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. More info: