11 Tips For Cleaning Up Mold After a Flood

Here are 11 tips for cleaning up mold:
Dealing with the aftermath of a flood? 11 Tips For Cleaning Up Mold After a Flood is like having a handy guidebook, helping you step by step. Dive in!

Oh boy, floods are never fun, are they? But, hey, every cloud has a silver lining, and in this case, it’s our 11 Tips For Cleaning Up Mold After a Flood. Think of it as your trusty flashlight, illuminating the path back to a mold-free, cozy home. Let’s get started!

If you’ve experienced a flood, there’s a good chance that mold has begun to grow in your home.  mold.

Here Are 11 Tips for Cleaning Up Mold After a Flood:

Table of Contents

1. Wear protective gear.
2. Ventilate the area.
3. Remove wet materials promptly.
4. Dry affected walls thoroughly.
5. Clean with a bleach-water mix.
6. Dry the cleaned areas completely.
7. Discard moldy items.
8. Seek professional help if needed.
9. Conduct regular home inspections.
10. Have a flood emergency plan.
11. Be aware of mold-related health risks.

We will go into more detail on each below but first:

What Is Mold

Mold is a type of fungi that thrives in damp, humid environments and can spread quickly if not dealt with right away.

While it’s important to take care of the problem as soon as possible, it’s also crucial that you do so safely to avoid exposing yourself and your family to harmful toxins.

What Is Black Mold and Why It’s a Problem After a Flood Event

Black mold, scientifically known as Stachybotrys chartarum, is a toxic mold that is dark greenish-black in color. It is a problem after a flood event for several reasons:

Health Concerns: Black mold produces mycotoxins, which can pose health risks to humans and animals.

Exposure to these toxins may lead to respiratory issues, allergies, headaches, and even more severe health conditions, especially in those with compromised immune systems.

Rapid Growth: After a flood, the excess moisture and the organic material found in homes, like wood or drywall, provide the perfect breeding ground for black mold to grow and spread rapidly.

Structural Damage: Over time, black mold can weaken the structural elements of a home, compromising its safety.

Costly Remediation: Once black mold takes hold, it can be challenging and expensive to remove.

Early intervention is crucial to prevent extensive damage and costly repairs.

Odor: Black mold emits a musty, unpleasant odor that can permeate a home, making the living conditions uncomfortable.

Given these problems, it’s essential to address flood cleanup immediately and thoroughly to prevent the growth and spread of black mold.

Here are 11 tips for cleaning up mold:

1. Wear protective gear:

When dealing with mold, it’s important to wear gloves, a mask, and eye protection to avoid coming into contact with spores.

A standard mask may not protect against mold spores. Using an N95 mask or respirator would offer better protection.

2. Ventilate the area:

Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. This will also help to prevent mold spores from spreading to other parts of your home.

3. Remove wet materials:

Any materials that have been soaked by floodwater should be removed and properly disposed of.

This includes carpets, furniture, cabinets, drywall, insulation, and clothing.

If you can’t get it dried out within the first 24-48 hours after a flood you need to throw it away.

4. Remove wet drywall and insulation:

It is important to dry your home out as fast as possible to prevent mold from growing.

You are going to need to open up wall cavities so they get airflow and can dry out.

Remove all drywall, insulation, and baseboards at least a foot above the waterline.

 5. Clean and disinfect:

When using bleach, it’s important to work in a well-ventilated area and never mix bleach with ammonia or other cleaners, as it can produce toxic fumes.

Use a mixture of bleach and water to clean all hard surfaces that have come into contact with mold.

It’s important to let the solution sit for several minutes before wiping it away.

Don’t try to remove mold from porous materials like drywall with bleach.

Clarification on Bleach Usage:

Using bleach to clean mold is effective for non-porous surfaces, such as tiles or glass, because it disinfects the surface and can kill mold on top.

However, on porous materials like wood, carpet, or drywall, bleach can be problematic. Here’s why:

Surface Disinfection Only: While bleach can kill mold on the surface of porous materials, it doesn’t penetrate deep enough to kill mold roots. This means mold can regrow after cleaning.

Can Cause Material Deterioration: Bleach can break down fibers in porous materials, leading to deterioration and weakening of the material over time.

May Increase Moisture: Using bleach can inadvertently introduce more moisture to the material, potentially exacerbating the mold problem.

6. Dry the area completely:

Once you’ve cleaned the moldy areas, be sure to dry them completely.

Mold thrives in damp environments, so it’s important to get rid of any excess moisture as soon as possible.

This may be a very formidable problem and your best bet would be to call in a water damage restoration company to do it.

They can bring in multiple fans and dehumidifiers to dry your home quickly.

Whatever you do, don’t turn the heat on. This will only make mold grow faster. Mold loves heat and it can grow much faster than you can dry everything out.

7. Remove moldy items:

Any items that have been contaminated by mold should be thrown away. This includes food, toys, and other household items.

8. Call a professional:

If the problem persists, it’s best to call a professional who can safely and effectively remove the mold.

Most homeowners don’t have the equipment and manpower to dry a flooded home out fast enough to prevent mold growth.

Try to get a water damage restoration company into your home, the sooner the better.

9. Inspect your home regularly:

Even after you dry out your home you will want to inspect your home regularly for signs of moisture or water damage.

Be sure to check under sinks, in crawl spaces, and around windows and doors.

It is possible that some areas were missed or not completely dried out. Left alone and untreated they will start growing mold again.

10. Be prepared for flooding:

Prepare for flooding by creating an emergency plan. This should include a list of items to pack, where to go, and how to contact loved ones.

More information: Reentering Your Flooded Home | CDC

11. Be aware of the health risks

There are health risks associated with mold exposure. If you are allergic to mold you should not attempt a mold cleanup.

These risks can include respiratory problems, skin irritation, and allergic reactions.

If you have any health concerns or begin to feel ill be sure to speak with a medical professional.

Get The Right Professional Help:

When facing mold issues after a flood, it’s not just about getting rid of the visible menace.

It’s about ensuring a safe, healthy living environment for the long term.

While many water damage companies might claim to handle mold, it’s pivotal to select a professional specifically with mold remediation experience. Here’s why:

Depth of Knowledge: Mold remediation experts understand the intricacies of various mold species, their growth patterns, and the health risks they pose.

They’re trained to tackle mold at its root, ensuring it doesn’t make an unwelcome comeback.

Specialized Equipment: Professionals in mold removal come equipped with tools designed for the job, from air scrubbers to negative air machines, ensuring thorough mold elimination.

Safety Protocols: Handling mold, especially toxic varieties like black mold, requires stringent safety measures.

Mold remediation specialists know how to handle and dispose of contaminated materials safely, protecting both the residents and the environment.

Prevention Measures: Apart from just cleaning up the mold, experts can offer insights and solutions to prevent future mold growth, adjusting the home environment to be less mold-friendly.

So, while a water damage company might dry out your home post-flood, only a mold remediation professional ensures the space is mold-free and stays that way.

Make sure to do your research and ask for certifications or references when choosing a company.


Floods can be a real mess, right? And if you’re reading this, you probably have a million and one questions about what comes next.

Dive into our FAQ session below, and let’s get those concerns sorted out.

Q: How do you get rid of mold after a flood?

A: Start by wearing protective gear (like gloves, masks, and goggles) to protect yourself.

Remove any soaked materials immediately. Clean hard surfaces with a mix of bleach and water, then thoroughly dry the cleaned areas.

For extensive mold growth, it’s wise to call in professionals.

Q: How long does mold take after a flood?

A: Mold can start growing within 24-48 hours after a flood if the conditions are right, meaning warmth and moisture.

That’s why it’s crucial to start drying out flooded areas as soon as you can!

Q: Can mold grow after a flood?

A: Absolutely! Mold loves damp environments, so a flooded area is like a five-star hotel for these fungi.

It’s essential to dry and clean areas affected by floodwaters promptly to prevent mold growth.

Q: What do you spray on walls after flooding?

A: After removing wet drywall and insulation, you can use a mixture of bleach and water to disinfect the walls.

Remember to always work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gear when using bleach.

Q: How do you air out a room after flooding?

A: Open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. If it’s safe to use electricity, set up fans to blow air out of the room. Dehumidifiers can also be helpful in removing excess moisture.

Q: How do you get rid of the mildew smell after flooding?

A: The key is to dry everything completely. You can also use dehumidifiers, baking soda, or white vinegar to absorb and neutralize odors. For carpets and upholstery, deep cleaning or disposal might be necessary.

11 Tips For Cleaning Up Mold Final Thoughts

Dealing with a flooded home can be a traumatic experience. It can also be very expensive.

Federal disaster funds might be available to help with the cost if it was a major event.

Check to see if your homeowner’s insurance covers flood damage. Many unfortunately do not unless you purchase it separately.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Mold Damage?